Welding robot

Tradition meets innovation

With its combination of traditional companies, lively startup scene and first-class research institutions, the German capital region’s manufacturing industry offer excellent opportunities for businesses seeking an innovative environment. It covers Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing, the electrical industry, mechanical and plant engineering, plastics, chemistry, metal, and nutrition.
The companies of these “classic” industries play a significant role in developing top technologies and ensure networked supplier relationships in the capital region.

Industry focuses

chemicals and plastics, metal, high-tech manufacturing, transport engineering, energy technology, nutrition and consumer goods


Key Player

ArcelorMittal, BASF Schwarzheide, Berlin-Chemie, Coca Cola, Eberswalder Wurst, RIVA Stahl, Katjes, Osram, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, Mineralquellen Bad Liebenwerda, Ortrander Eisenhütte, OTIS Group, PCK Raffinerie, Trevira, voestalpine (selection)


Number of companies

ca. 1.999*


Number of employees

ca. 182.536*


Selection of regional networks/associations

Kunststoff-Verbund Brandenburg-Berlin, ME-Netzwerk der Metall- und Elektroindustrie in der Hauptstadtregion, profil.metall, Ernährungsindustrie in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V., Pro Agro e.V. (selection)


Trade fairs & conferences

Fruit Logistica
Grüne Woche


* Sources:

Office for statistics Berlin-Brandenburg, 2021

Stethoscope surrounded by icons
Mann mit VR-Brille
fiber glass