Photo Flexgate office project at BER

FAY Projects leases around 1,800 sqm of office space in FLEXGATE at BER

FAY Projects has leased three quarters of the office space in the new FLEXGATE office building directly at Berlin's capital airport BER. AAS Berlin GmbH, which specializes in airport services, has leased around 560 square meters of office space on the first of the total of seven upper floors. With approximately 1,200 square meters of office space on the second and third floors, GOLDBECK Nordost GmbH is expanding its premises to a total of 2,360 square meters of rental space. "The rental units can be flexibly designed and easily adapted to the needs of the tenants," says Clemens Rapp, Managing Director of FAY Projects. "With the newly concluded contracts, we have almost reached full occupancy at FLEXGATE. We are already in talks with further interested parties."

The multi-tenant property FLEXGATE is characterized by its location directly at the airport Terminal 1 & 2. Thus, the transport infrastructure of the BER is available to the tenants. There are connections via the autobahn and the regional and long-distance rail network, which can be used to reach the center of Berlin in half an hour.

With the current tenants, the occupancy rate of the new office building is now 85 percent. In addition to AAS Berlin GmbH and GOLDBECK, they include the COLLECTION Business Center, ARGO Holding GmbH, the DKW Group, WISAG Aviation Training and Development GmbH & Co. KG, Berliner Jungens Development GmbH and the Arbeitsmedizinisches Zentrum - Dr. Matthias Wirth.

"FLEXGATE is convincing due to its location and building quality and offers the ideal premises not only for airport-related service providers in particular, but also for sophisticated companies in general," says Wolfgang Heid, Chairman and Spokesman of the Management Board at FAY Projects. The property offers a total of 14,300 square meters of rental space. It is the second office building that FAY Projects has realized at BER. Previously, in 2012, the ²BAC.

For further information about the growth industries, economic development, business and technology support for companies, investors and scientific institutions in the Airport Region Berlin Brandenburg please contact:

Sandra Koletzki ​​​​​​ | sandra.koletzki(at)

(Source: RUECKERCONSULT GmbH, 09|07|2023 | "FAY Projects leases around 1,800 sqm of office space in FLEXGATE at BER")