Visualisierung des FLEXGATE
Übergabe des Gebäudes durch GOLDBECK an Fay Projects

FLEXGATE office project at BER Airport completed on schedule

With the completion of FLEXGATE, FAY Projects has completed another office project at the capital's airport BER on time. GOLDBECK served as general contractor for the new seven-story building, which has a total rental area of 14,300 square meters. FLEXGATE is the first office project to begin construction in 2019 at the Gatelands Kienberg business park. It is located about five minutes from the main BER terminal.

"Our thanks go to Goldbeck and the FLEXGATE team," says Ingo Lindner, managing director at FAY Projects. "Because, despite the current difficult situation in terms of raw material and material supply, the FLEXGATE was handed over to us as planned and is ready for tenants to occupy." The majority of the tenants are airport-related service providers, real estate and office services, and public administration. The occupancy rate is currently 44 percent.

"We are currently negotiating additional contracts and anticipate full occupancy by early 2023," says Clemens Rapp, managing director at FAY Projects. "BER's office space demand is slightly lower than our forecasts for 2019. We are all the more pleased that the first tenants have already moved in and begun operations at the FLEXGATE."

"The trusting and cooperative collaboration with all involved parties of FAY Projects was quite remarkable. In these unpredictable times, this is the only way to realize a project of this magnitude, on time and on budget, to our complete satisfaction. Many thanks and good luck with this building," says Dietmar Rekow, head of GOLDBECK's office and residential building branch in Berlin.

FLEXGATE is the second office project to be realized by FAY Projects at the Berlin airport, following the ²BAC completed in 2012.

Your Press Contact:
FAY Projects GmbH | Carolin Gomez | Marketing/Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 (0) 621 39 174 444 
Email: carolin.gomez(at)
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