technology-oriented companies and outstanding scientific institutions with promising talent - and all this with excellent transport connections by air, rail and road.

3 question to Roland Sillmann, CEO, WISTA Management GmbH


What are your wishes for the development of the region?

For the development of the region, it is important that we in Berlin and Brandenburg work even more closely together in the future. International companies like Tesla and others don't see Berlin and Brandenburg as separate places, they see the metropolitan region as a whole. It is important to them that knowledge can be accessed quickly, that the location attracts talent, and that companies can find suitable areas in which to locate.

Which effects do you hope the proximity to the airport will have on your project?

Today, international airports are often as attractive as major cities. The direct intercontinental flights to BER are particularly interesting. These are particularly attractive for companies and investors. Especially in Asia and the USA, people are interested in locations that can be reached by direct flights. But it is also very important for the organization of scientific congresses that a location is well connected with direct flights.

If you had one sentence only to convince a potential investor of the Airport Region’s advantages as a business location, what would you say?

It's an almost perfect and therefore future-proof combination: You'll find here many technology-oriented companies and outstanding scientific institutions with promising talent - and all this with excellent transport connections by air, rail and road.

We would like to thank Mr. Roland Sillmann for this interview.

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Portrait of Daniel Herrmann - Member of the Management Board of Bauwert AG
Picture shows the portrait of Dr. Stefan Franzke, Managing Director of the Business Development Agency at Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH
Portrait picture of Thomas Groth - Managing Director of the Groth Group
Portrait Thomas Graf, Geschäftsführer Alpine Immobilien GmbH
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